Tag archive for » fate «

Dream of a Spring Reprise

Wednesday, 19. January 2011 21:00

the enso

Limbs of green, yellow, and red leaves.

"Leaves Turning" by marlowe

the poem

While our hair grays, your leaves blush,
turning redder by the day, hanging onto branches
that no longer support you. With each strident gust
Old Man Winter blows through your boughs,
another dozen leaves fall to their deaths,
curling with rigor mortis before the browning begins,
catching between yellowed blades of grass that dream
of a spring reprise. For you, there is no such thing.
You were destined to give up all of your children,
and prepared for separation at the first frost.
Bare, you will stand witness to the cruelty
these seasons can wrought, until the snow
caresses your limbs like a long-lost lover.

Category:Ephemeral, Plant | Comments Off | Autor:

The Day After Labor Day

Tuesday, 16. November 2010 20:45

the enso

A flock of seagulls hang out on a parking lot.

"Seagulls at Sylvan Beach" by marlowe

the poem

In a town defined by seasons, one day
changes everything. Either
popsicles are now served
or black raspberry ice cream is shelved.
Opportunities come and go. You
might have to wait months
before the next grilled hot dog.
But the gulls hang on,
convinced you will return, will leave
a path of crumbs to be consumed
just like any other day.

Category:Animal, Ephemeral, Human | Comments Off | Autor: