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Compilation #3

Thursday, 7. October 2010 19:15

the enso

A water ski ramp in the Niagara River near Lewiston, NY.

"Man-made Glaciers" by marlowe

the compilation

The rain ricochets off your car door, the concrete, like bullets
being fired from the sky, each raindrop is a microcosm,
while the clouds are spread, bumpy, like butter icing on a cake.
Each city looks like a star splattered against this topography,
its light scattered from the force of impact, gleaming
through a galaxy of galleries, a milky way of strip mall sprawl
offering promises it cannot keep. The glow of the street lamp glistens
in this drizzle, each strand of light like a spider’s silky line wet with dew.
You suspect everything is man-made:
the glacier in the adjacent lake is a water ski ramp, for instance.
As the calm surface of the pho broth mirrors your face,
chopsticks in hand – probing for the last noodle is like fishing
in your subconscious – you vibrate like a struck string,
singing your note while the patterns on your paisley shirt swirl
like a Rorschach test. You know dawn taunts us
to begin anew: it begs, see what can happen, it insists, yes,
embrace this illusion woven as bright as the rising sun.
Outside, black-eyed susans stand tall amid wild purple thistles,
luxury amid the raw beauty of utility,
and the blue mophead hydrangeas tease you like carnival snow cones.
You remember how
the clustered arms of the saguaro extend
like the towers of a Gaudi cathedral,
how the horns of a ram curve into a sacred omega.

Category:Animal, Human, Mineral, Plant | Comments Off | Author:

Compilation #2

Tuesday, 31. August 2010 20:00

the enso

A crepe myrtle tree with pink blooms

"Pink Polka Dots" by marlowe

the compilation

We watched girls in white linen dresses tango in the twilight
while the ferns stood stiff as sentinels and each rose bud
opened to reveal a labyrinth. When we
constructed our truths as elaborately
as our lies, we found what we had been seeking.
Remember? You wrote: we are one.
The blinking Christmas bulbs teased us like
a lighthouse on the shore. A purring kitten,
a cooing dove. Yes, the white flash
of the mockingbird wings announced the illusion.
And the blinds waved in the wind, plastic tassels tinkling
like door chimes that tease us when we depart.
Counting cans of Campbell’s soup, you think of Warhol.
Boxes of Polaroids contain the overflow, the hallowed halls
of our memory, realities we since discarded.
We had planted yellow tulips at the mouth of the river:
a row of torches welcoming, warning. Their leaves
stretched like webbed fingers, like hydras, like tentacles.
Even the widow tree bent under the burden of our griefs.
No, we find what we are seeking by opening our hearts.
Three doves sit on a telephone wire against the turquoise sky
while a helicopter hovers, focused as a dragonfly.
You see the crepe myrtle with its polka dots of pink blooms
and the golden hues of a peach shine like the sunset
This green glass platter reflects a summer pool:
its ripples barely seen, its calm sheen too perfect.
And the swirling tea leaves in your dainty gold
cup? Caught in the tempest we delivered,
its fortune yet untold.

Category:Animal, Human, Mineral, Plant | Comments Off | Author: