View all posts filed under 'Ephemeral'

St. Valentine

Monday, 14. February 2011 20:45

the enso

A branch of a dwarf orange tree with icicles

"Oranges" by marlowe

the poem

we slide hand
in hand mine
tight with terror
as we glide
ice our guide
across sidewalks
between broken
grass too frozen
to care about
our boots and we
think it’s Feb after
all the icicles
tumbled like glasses
melting in error
glazing oranges
into orbs of divine
bitterness we
collapse in love
because most of
this cannot be
so intricate
like talks
so planned

Category:Ephemeral, Human, Plant | Comments Off | Author:

The Void

Monday, 31. January 2011 20:30

the enso

A dog sleeping on the sofa, snuggled between the cushion and the human.

"The Space In Between" by marlowe

the poem

I keep waiting, the dogs
snoring at my knees, bent
around contours that don’t exist
in nature. We keep waiting
as though the punch line is coming
any second now, revealing
some deeper meaning we could not discern
otherwise on our own. Yes
this imposed pause is what gets
to us as everything else
passes, leaving me still, unmoved,
careful not to wake the dogs.
I keep waiting, enmeshed,
breaths timed to the rhythm
of a different animal, dancing
in the void between inhalations,
wondering what will happen next,
suspended, as though this script
had not been played before.

Category:Animal, Ephemeral, Human | Comments Off | Author: