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Nothing Is (What It Is)

Tuesday, 24. August 2010 20:00

the enso

Five white egrets congregate on a bayou flood plain

"Tropical Snowflakes" by marlowe

the poem

Look at this prairie. Those snowflakes
on the tropical breeze are a fluttering flock
of white egrets, birds whose lives
are re-negotiated with each beat
of their elegant wings. It takes
time to get used to, time to repeal.
The bayou looks stagnant, water
green with algae and turtles,
yet currents move
under it, propelling it
to an existence neither
you nor it can foresee. Before
the fisherman’s line becomes
taunt, there is a sea of possibility,
each destiny waiting
to be chosen. In that moment,
you can transform

Category:Animal, Ephemeral, Human | Comments Off | Author:

Ode to the Ancients Among Us

Monday, 16. August 2010 19:15

the enso

A young turtle surfacing under a waterlily pad.

"Turtles #1 - Offspring" by Mark Hiebert

the poem

When you breached
the surface, I mistook
your inquisitive face
— the soft unblinking eyes,
the grimly set mouth —
as a young carp who was too curious
for its own good. You, old turtle,
had traveled from the depths to see
why your offspring congregated
at the edge of the pier. You bore
pillows of lichen and wrinkles
that rippled along your thick neck
and slow legs. You moved
deliberately, tranquil,
as though all had been foreseen,
and stared at my pink fingers.
Perhaps no one had stopped here
long enough to appreciate the legacy
in this pond, the wisdom
you carry always with you,
as worn as your scuffed dome.

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